A Thoughtful Life
Imagine getting a thought or a strong desire to write a story. You can baseline the thought on the Three Act Structure. Beginning the story from setup, or from resolution and back track, or expand it in either directions by picking up the confrontation.
But when it comes to Life, our life, ourself and finally unto self, the novel become exciting.
This is a journey you take without knowing the destination. You create the journey of your desire and see it come to a resolution, and this is how life is.
Life can be traumatising and at the same time blissful. Do we live a Life like a journey with the fateful end to demise into dust? We set out to reach our goals, establishing the milestones, with one thought in mind, I should die doing what I love...
When was the last time we took a pause to evaluate and praise our life? This is beyond the “Is it worth it?” question. We need to retrospect our life instead of drowning in digital realm, shackled by materialism. You get bored soon enough, if you were able to move ahead of preparing the questionnaire. You will run out of questions but will seldom get an answer. Looking back helps you in deciding where to look ahead.
It’s not about the moments that one can recollect, it is more of the information you are aware about, and channelising it to navigate the journey ahead.
Humans are becoming intolerant to changes. The brains are getting rewired to enable humans consciously adapt to technology . Time has been prioritised by our wetware, processing the information uniquely to fuel our identity. Once the identity is formed, the rewiring goes dormant. Now then, the information pouring in from unaccountable sources, ignite the dormant neurons and this is when we repel. Our body rejects the changes and the fear of acceptance bleeds in. Our survival, our identity is challenged. Many overcome this fear and accept the change as an opportunity, many will cross the limits to preserve their beliefs. For them, it is a mere noise in the journey, but they wont stray away from their beliefs and ideologies.
This is the point where you pause.
And if your brain pushes to not proceed further in the article, you become aware that this is because your brain determines this information is insignificant in your journey. Change of perception is fundamental, and we should not get overwhelmed by it. Brain was not designed to get wired for such information packets. And this, has led the environment affecting our awareness by exploiting the unwired and uncharted region, our subconsciousness. Survival has been hardwired as the environmental conditions were not favourable. And now, the brain is just optimising itself for a comfortable survival, beyond awareness.
If an event occurs in any form, we must evaluate and take the information out from it, and then, consciously take react or respond decision. We can actively rewire our brain to respond during unforeseen events as per our will, empowering us to take control. This is like disabling the autopilot of your brain and controlling how it should rewire. When you become aware that brain can be easily rewired, you begin to question its credibility. It creates a restlessness, that is way beyond the normalised routine, your brain and body were going through.
By this time we can segregate the identity into you and your brain. You begin to become aware that brain is the authoritative organ of your body, and that you can control your body effectively through your brain. And then the focus shifts on the ‘you’ part. You have a body, you have a brain and you can rewire it. Who is the ‘You’ here we’re referring to? This seems illogical as thoughts and questions are seeds of brain. We have evolved from ‘curious’ atoms, trying to explore bonds which we can’t comprehend, into a complex brain which does not rest.
This brain of ours has become a powerful tool which now is aware of itself. And this helps it in ‘controlling’ other brains. We are now at epitome of evolution. We have used science at its utmost threshold to look into our history, to the origin of universe. It has helped our brains perceive a reality which was beyond comprehension of an individual brain. Even though being the most powerful tool in the world, we know so far, our brains are meagre neurons of a vast universal brain. Responding to stimuli beyond our dimensions, the atoms of the Universe resonate the fabric of space-time, creating unfathomable ripples of events. Since events are occurring simultaneously, our brains are not powerful or better say capable to become aware of them.
We simply rearrange, summarise and organise the thoughts and suggestions of others, who too were in turn influenced by others. We cannot accept the fact that we are getting deprived of our own original thoughts.It gets disheartening when the realisation of its gravity sets in. We feel constrained, limited and helpless when we begin to see the implications of knowledge that has bestowed upon us.
We get overwhelmed by thoughts and beliefs, we break down on materialistic elements. Our brains are fragile, delicate and has tendency to wander. We are susceptible to intimidations and influences from those who are aware of this weakness. Our routines, environment, family, what we watch and listen to, everything is working in tandem to keep us at bay of the vast expanse of knowledge.
Every brain is creating its own reality and our bodies are the characters playing the survival game. The misconception of superiority engulfs our brain and we call it Ego. We are putting humans at pinnacle of evolution assuming it took 4 billion years for us to evolve to present stage. But, few hundred years back we thought Earth was centre of the Universe. We were wrong, and we will be, always wrong. We came out of Universe and now we are helping, rather questioning the very existence of Universe. Assumptions and theories, philosophies and religions, we are throwing everything we can just to prove our supremacy.
The story of our lives goes down the trash everyday like our newspapers. Stories are published, it excites few, offends many, life goes on. It’s about time that we start thinking beyond our self. We might be supreme thought leaders here on Earth, but at the scale of cosmos we are not even a noticeable blip. We need to understand that we don’t need a survival strategy to live on. Imagine world where all stories fell in same genre. Unimaginable. We need diversity, we need to think more and go further. We, need to have a good and thoughtful life.