Th mssng vwls
Ths stry s n xprmnt fr pshng th hmn prcptn t nxt lvl. Wht m trng t gt cn b xtrmly dffclt fr fw f th rdrs.
Ths bgn n brght smmr mrng n smll twn f Swtzrlnd. Th sn shnng thrgh th hgh smmts, th plsh grss flds sprdng crss th vlly, nd th cws lzyng rnd th frms. Th gntl brz blwng n th fc, th smll f frgrnt flwrs mkng yr snstns tngl. My lv, my lf, my prtty grl ws lyng nxt t m, hldng my hnd n hr chk. Th wrmth frm my hnds kpt hr cmfrtbl nd czy. Ths mst b th mst rmntc mmnt f my lf. R cmpr vn ws prkd n the bst pssbl plc, wth th mrng snlght lghtng thrgh th wndws.
Bt thr ws smthng mssng n ths blssfl mmnt. Wrmth f my hnds ws fdng wth tm, th hld f hr hnds ws gng dwn. My brth slwng wth vry gst f th wnd. Th drknss bgn t fll n my vsn. Thr ws nthng tht cld b dn fr my dyng drms.
Th drms f my lf nd my dstny, vrythng ws sddnly dspprng frm my cncssnss. Slwly th snd f brds dyng wth whspr. Imgntn strtd plyng trcks n my mnd. Hllcntns vrwhlmng crss my tnscndd bdy.
Nrml prsn wld hv gvn hs lf jst t gt n xprnc f wht my bdy ws ndrgng. Ths flt rdclsly bnrml frm whr my mnd hs wndrd. Bt stll, th mnd pshd th lmts t whl nw lvl.
Ths bcm xtrmly dffclt t prcd frthr nd fnlly my bdy mmrsd n ths blsfl drm. Thr ws plsnt flng f mndfl pc. Th pzzl bgn t bcm mr nd mr dffclt, bt yt, smpl ngh t ndrstnd. Th pttrns wr vry smlr t th pst pzzls. Ths lks lk hvnly ngls whsprng th mst btfl chrs wch wr bynd ths wrld.
My lps pshng fr sml, drp f lv, rllng dwn frm my cld chks. Ths wld b th lst tm m lkng t tht prtty fc. My mnd ws bncng btwn th rlms f lf nd dth. Rlty ws lsng ’ts mnng. Thn cm th tch f hr wrm fngrs, pckng th trs frm my chks. Sh scrmd t tp f hr vc.
And lo, I woke up from my trip…